LeoVegas & Casumo Enable Gambling Addict to Wager Beyond Means

Tatjana Markovic , Sep 09, 2024 6:25
LeoVegas & Casumo Enable Gambling Addict to Wager Beyond Means

The gambling industry is incessantly dealing with various negative news stories concerning the misuse of its consumers and whenever it feels like an issue regarding this topic has been solved, a new one arises.

Today we talk about two very popular operators that are once again in the spotlight due to the fact that they have repeated their mistakes from the (recent) past. Namely, LeoVegas and Casumo were both accused of ignoring the red flags of one woman who blames them for losing a significant amount of money.

What Exactly Happened?

Just last week, we shared an article describing what LeoVegas did to one gambler, but sadly, they didn’t learn anything from that unfortunate event.

According to some reports made by The Guardian, a few months ago an anonymous woman stated that she created an account at their website. Soon after, she became a VIP member and wasted over £100,000 in approximately thirty days.

After a short period of time, LeoVegas has come to the realization that this person is obviously a gambling addict so they offered to pay one part of the rehabilitation costs.

What Was Her Reaction?

Furthermore, it seemed like this woman wasn’t satisfied with their proposition:

“They have algorithms where if you’re spending a lot they make you a VIP, or send you a bonus email and they use that to their advantage. They could also use it to prevent problem gambling, which is what the commission say they should be doing.”

As we stated previously, a similar thing occurred a few days ago when this operator was accused of encouraging a troubled gambler to utilize many of their websites. At the time, this was their statement:

The acquisitions in the UK have entailed complexity in terms of synchronizing databases, routines and processes. To manage it in the best way and follow the regulation, LeoVegas initiated an action plan last year. The plan has been communicated to the UKGC and we are delivering accordingly. LeoVegas takes compliance very seriously and works consistently in order to ensure a safe experience for our customers and maintain its leading position as a trusted and safe operator.”

What About Casumo?

Namely, not too long ago, this woman, formerly an accountant, started playing at Casumo and it was soon evident that she showcased symptoms of problem gambling, however, which were ultimately neglected.

At first, she had transactions blocked by her bank, but then started cancelling withdrawals so that she could continue utilizing this site. At one point, according to a representative, she started having suicidal thoughts.

Casumo completely ignored these signs, and to make things worse, they even granted her VIP status, offered her tickets to different events and allowed her to lose more money. Once they realized that this individual was truly having some seriously disturbing suicidal thoughts, they canceled her account!

This is not the first time Casumo made a mistake of a similar kind, however, we do hope that they have learned something from the past.

Source: “Casumo And LeoVegas Accused Of Encouraging Another Problem Gambler” https://calvinayre.com/2019/04/23/business/casumo-and-leovegas-accused-of-encouraging-another-problem-gambler/Calvin Ayre. April 24, 2019.

Author: Tatjana Markovic

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