One of the leading suppliers of online gaming solutions for iGaming corporations is 2013-founded company, Yggdrasil. Everyone from the gambling industry sees them as highly-reputable brand that has created deals with some of the most important operators in the world.
A Major Award:
Recognizing its reputation in the industry, the 2019 International Gaming Awards named the, ‘Innovator of the Year’ for the third year in a row!
Last year they launched a plethora of spectacular titles, including Nitro Citrus as well as their Yggdrasil Game Server (YGS). All these achievements led to precisely this type of recognition!
Stronger Than Ever:
This award definitely secured their position in the industry and showcased how powerful they are. As we stated in the beginning, this year designates the third consecutive year that they have been successful as far as this event is concerned.
Furthermore, it is going to make them even more desirable and will surely stimulate them to be even better in the future!
Yggdrasil CEO, Fredrik Elmqvist, proudly talked about his corporation:
“Innovation is in our DNA and we constantly strive to remain ahead of the game by making our products cutting edge and unique.
All of our innovations have been very well received by both operators and players. Supporting our customers’ success and having our games top of mind with players is what drives us to continue revolutionizing the iGaming space
I am extremely proud of all the hard work put in by everyone within the company.”
The Evolution Of YGS Masters:
One of their biggest priorities for the time being is to grow their YGS Masters initiative and turn it into to worldwide sensation.
Namely, they want to cooperate with other studios in order to both develop and export high volume top-notch games to their users.
They believe that over the last couple of years, they have managed to establish themselves as one of the major firms when it comes to slots content, hence, now is the perfect time to reach other prosperous and successful regulated markets.
Elmqvist once again talked about the importance of the YGS Masters division and their upcoming plans:
“We will continue to do what we do best and develop high-quality content, however there is a huge appetite globally for large volumes of curated, localised content. As a result, we will substantially increase our output by partnering with more independent studios, creating a collaborative publishing model and curating a much larger, global content roadmap.
We will not only curate a large quantity of games, but also ensure they are high-quality products that can be distributed to any number of local, regulated markets.”
Source: “Yggdrasil Named Innovator Of The Year At International Gaming Awards” https://europeangaming.eu/portal/press-releases/2019/02/06/38176/yggdrasil-named-innovator-of-the-year-at-international-gaming-awards/. European Gaming. February 6, 2019.
“YGS Masters Evolves To Global Content Published Model” https://yggdrasilgaming.com/news/ygs_masters_news/. Yggdrasil Gaming. February 6, 2019.
Comment: Yggdrasil is truly inspirational. Whenever I read something about them, I am left speechless!