ComeOn and neccton Join Forces to Build and Customize a Tool Designed for Responsible Gaming

Dusan Trifunovic , Jul 04, 2024 11:20
ComeOn and neccton Join Forces to Build and Customize a Tool Designed for Responsible Gaming

ComeOn, an online casino operator covering all platforms, has partnered up with neccton in an effort to improve player safety. The two companies will attempt to…

…achieve this through the development of an AI-based gaming tool meant to promote responsible gaming and more.

Recognizing Risk Behavior:

The AI tool being developed by the two brands will allow the online casino operator to recognize early stages of problematic gambling behavior in their patrons. The system being developed…

…uses machine learning technologies to track and analyze user behavior. Once it recognizes risk patterns and problematic behavior, the program will flag the user.

The next step is to directly communicate with flagged players and offer personalized, custom-tailored feedback.

Neccton has been utilizing the principles of “motivational interviewing” – a technique developed by clinical psychologists, Williarm R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick. Motivational interviewing works by leading the subject to recognize and change bad behavior patterns using a customized set of questions.

This technique has been proven successful in the United States where it was used extensively in treating subjects suffering from substance abuse and addiction.

The use of machine learning and advanced artificial intelligence in the iGaming industry has proven to be quite difficult due to the pure unpredictability of the user. While applying these technologies to slot games and other content is difficult, AI could…

… greatly benefit the industry by recognizing irresponsible gaming before it becomes an issue.

“At ComeOn, we are convinced that gaming services can be delivered in a safe and sustainable way. Providing the right conditions and incentives for players to gamble responsibly is part of how we take care of our customers and ensure the safe and high-quality service we want to offer them,” says Helena Berg, Responsible Gaming Manager at ComeOn.

“We are happy that ComeOn has chosen neccton as their partner to help ensure player safety to their customers. Using modern technology to analyze player behavior, detect risk signals and in a user-friendly way inform the players is a great method that has proven to be successful modifying player behavior,” says Dr. Michael Auer, Director at neccton.

About neccton:

Headquartered in Germany, it is a consulting firm that specializes in data science and communications solutions. With the help of some of the leading academics in the field at their side, the company is looking to merge the latest clinical practices with advanced technology. This allows them to offer fine-tuned predictive analytics and handle big data efficiently. Its involvement with…

…the gambling industry has led them to develop the Mentor – a high-tech solution that improves the player’s safety and lets them know when their behavioral pattern starts overlapping with known risk factors.

Dr. Auer, the company’s director, published a scientific paper on the effects of voluntary limit-setting on gamblers using nothing more than the behavioral tracking data. The paper has recognized a number of issues that could be lead to a better understanding of problem gambling and bad gambling habits.

Source: “ComeOn launches machine learning responsible gaming tool” Business. August 13, 2019.

Author: Dusan Trifunovic

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