Helio Gaming & Spinmatic Entertainment Land Deal

Ava Jackuard , Jul 04, 2024 11:20
Helio Gaming & Spinmatic Entertainment Land Deal

Cyprus-based brand, Helio Gaming, the complete lottery solution provider, has signed a dealership with HTML5 multiplatform developer, Spinmatic Entertainment. The whole point of this is make a brand-new game that is going to assimilate two worlds – the worlds of lottery and video slots. This will be something completely new and innovative for this industry.

The SLOTTO Night Show:

That is the name of the highly-anticipated game that will amaze players. It can be found on mobile and web and will enable all those who enjoy videos slot with the ability to win lottery tickets for some of the biggest jackpots in the world.

Furthermore, it will all look like a typical TV lottery, where the wheels of the game will keep on spinning until they showcase the lucky combination, which means triggering the Lottery bonus screen!

Once that occurs, it will bestow them with tickets with one or more huge jackpot lotteries, including Euromillions, EuroJackpot, as well as Helio Gaming’s own draws, including Lotto Hero with their own hourly draw.

Excitement On The Rise:

Norbert Mathies, Managing Director of Spinmatic Entertainment gave his opinion regarding the collaboration:

“We are super excited to work with Helio Gaming on this revolutionary concept, where cross-selling opportunities are facilitated by a high quality, low volatility game, while still providing the chance to win huge jackpots.”

Helio Gaming’s Sales Manager, Denis Witterbrood, expressed his attitude towards the entire lottery industry by saying:

“Lotteries are an excellent way to provide big-win appeal to help with the acquisition, retention, and reactivation of players. Combining this with a slot provides a bridge between the casino player and the lottery offering, while our innovative lottery games return the favour by allowing operators to configure casino and sportsbook prizes as a result of lottery draws.”

Helio is based in Cyprus and currently their vast selection of customizable lottery games contains daily, weekly and event-based draws, which can also be branded by operators in order to attract and at the same time increase the number of new customers.

All those who are eager to hear more about their forthcoming plans as well as their offer concerning betting on international lotteries can visit them at ICE this week, at stand N7-433.

Source: “Helio Gaming Teams Up With Spinmatic” https://europeangaming.eu/portal/press-releases/2019/02/07/38285/helio-gaming-teams-up-with-spinmatic/European Gaming. February 7, 2019.

Comment: Reading this news always make up my day because I love to hear about the latest creative products! Great job people!

Author: Ava Jackuard

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